Then listen to them in the audio specialist
At Lydspecialisten in Aalborg you will always find the best products on the market. Here we have one of Denmark's largest selection of high-end products with good demo facilities. We have a large and smaller demo room that you can book any day of the week, so that you can hear the product in an environment that resembles yours as much as possible.
When you have booked a demo, you get the demo room alone in the company of one of our employees. Then you can listen to the equipment that interests you and to the music of your choice. We believe this gives you the best opportunity to find out if the product is right for you.

Demo Room 1
Hear it in domestic conditions
Our demo room in the store is like most living rooms. The acoustic conditions are not ideal, and it therefore gives a good impression of how well it sounds even in difficult conditions. The room is about 20 square meters and rectangular.

1 Floor
Hear it in optimal conditions
Our 1st Floor is for those who want to hear the products under optimal conditions. Here you get the opportunity to hear our high-end products and what they are really capable of providing. The room is acoustically treated and suitable for larger speakers.
Find the sound that suits you
Book a demo here
Contact us via the form with a short description of which products you want to have demonstrated and which day you want to come. Shortly afterwards you will receive a confirmation that the room has been booked for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Visit us
Nørregade 19-21
Aalborg, North Jutland, Denmark
+45 98 16 14 10
Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 10.00 – 17.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 14.00
Sunday: Closed